News in Marketing
Nike's campaign "Just Do It" was huge when it came out. When Nike first came out with this slogan it was a huge deal that everyone and anyone took notice to. According to hubspot the "Just Do It" came abroad because at first Nike was just for runners until fitness became more of a big deal, so they decided to market Nike by expressing that people need to just do it. It was meant to give people motivation and the will to get up and be active. It only took 10 years to make sales go from $800 million to $9.2 Billion because of that slogan. The marketing challenge was to express the new fitness look and to present new products in a way that people would be excited about them. Today you see this slogan and automatically get excited no matter what the product it. Today Nike is way more than just shoes, its all types fitness clothes and accessories. The uniqueness of Nike is that it's an entire brand that represents fashion, health, and fitness. This brand...