Social Listening

Image result for Levi's ads on instagram

Levi's is a great brand the presents strength and fashion in clothes. They offer many different types of clothing such as jeans, tops, and jackets. They represent more than just clothing it also represents a way of life. Levi's has been around for years telling people that their products are durable, fashionable, and casual. They make sure that their customers feel comfortable in their clothing and they also represent that by presenting models that appear to be comfortable and happy in their clothing. Most people today don't wear this brand because throughout time it has slowly disappeared, but they have come out with different marketing tactics that target new demographics. Their main targets now are younger people because they changed from just strong durable clothing to stylish clothing that you can casually wear daily.

People not only love the Levi brand, but they trust it as well. My findings from Instagram prove that people love and trust this brand. They also love the marketing layouts that present their products.

Thekentuckygent says "Majorly jealous of the view and those jackets."
jest_pgm Says "No one can compete levi's"
azaddemir_ says "Definitely brought your a-game with this one!"

The marketing implications are that the products are fun, comfortable, and stylish. They haven't gotten really verbal comments on their ads, mainly emoji's which means they like it but are not over the top about the products yet.

If I were the brand manager I would make the brand more well known in the marketing techniques and suggest that we put more on shelves in stores because then more people will see the products. I would want to put the Levi's logo anywhere I could because then more people will be aware of what the brand is bringing to the people of today.

Image result for Levi's ads 2017
They are trying to make the clothing bold and flirtatious.

Image result for Levi's ads 2017
Still family oriented and more variety.


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